Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Light Of My Life

“A mother is a mother still,
the holiest thing alive.”

My sweet mom left for her heavenly aboard on 24Th Jan, 4.42a.m. I was not with her; I was far-far away. But yes, she took with her a part of me. No one can fill the special place she holds in my heart, in my life. Her heart was like an ocean of eternal love; she knew only to give and kept nothing for herself. People hurt her but she still loved them as she knew no hatred no revenge. She always thought the best for me and till end she continued giving me the best. In difficult times she stood like a pillar of strength, held my hand to give her warmth, and understood me to the core.

Whenever she enjoyed a moment, she made it a point to see me as a part of it. Small things of life made her happy and so she taught me to find happiness in small things. Whatever she loved, she gave it to me, kept nothing for her. Nobody tried to understand her, I was too far to hold her hand but my soul was with her. In her last days, she was a soul; hurt and lonely,

As a habit I sometimes pick up the phone to call her to share my moments or the happenings of the whole day. But then I realize, she will never pick up my call ever. Even if I look upwards and speak aloud, she cannot answer. Silenced forever. I really feel lonely, empty and left out as she can’t hear me anymore. She was like a shelter; in her death I have become homeless. My child hood has gone away with her.

Honestly at times I can’t believe she is no more, she is alive in me. Her loves, her memories, her teachings will always remain with me. For me she will live forever. I wish GOD could send her once to me, as I have so much to tell her. But I know she has taken a journey of no return.

May my darling MOTHER rest in peace…..