Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Remember that only remembering is not enough; you need the opposite capacity of forgetting also. If you go on remembering everything, you will go mad. And that is what has happened--- you cannot forget. Forgetting is as much needed as remembering. The useless must be thrown out of the mind and forgotten, and only the essentials should be remembered.
Right remembering means continuously throwing rubbish out ; choosing only the essential , the true , the real , and throwing all that is rubbish . Much rubbish is there. The newspapers are filled with it, the books are filled with it, and everybody goes on pouring this rubbish into you.
Your mind is taking much information from everywhere. That’s why you cannot sleep: there is so much excitement in the mind. You cannot remember, because you remember so much that the whole capacity, the whole energy, is lost.

Courtesy Osho International

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